Sam's Pizza....or rather Eatza Pizza

by - Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Previously known to the Chennaites as Sams Pizza (now Eatza Pizza) is one of the few buffet places which serves Pizza as their primary dish. Food and other things apart, I seriously appreciate the restaurant to create and maintain this menu, lets be honest not many of us go to a buffet to load up on Pizza. Ok, now that being said lets dive into the review.

The ambiance of the restaurant is excellent, brightly lit, furniture matching the theme of the restaurant, overall it was simple yet elegant. Nothing much to say about the service and hospitality, we barely noticed the waiters, except when they came to serve us the Pizza.
Eatza Pizza Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato
The first time I was here (while the place was called Sam's pizza), I was with my college buddies, though the buffet was merely an average one we had a lot of fun. The second visit (Eatza Pizza) was the worst mistake of my life.

Went there the second time because there was a 10% off for college students. So, my friend and I head over there, book a table and tell the manager that we have our student IDs, we got the offer, everything is smooth and we wait for our food to arrive.

Our waiter arrives with a bowl of soup, the nightmare begins. Our soup was served with fried corn flakes, like we were sitting at a petty shop in the beach. Now comes the garlic bread all soggy and greasy, not at all fresh. This misery could only be topped by the thing which they described as Pizza. This was not a Pizza, this was something which used to be a Pizza then it had a eating disorder and consumed large amounts of Pizza (wait, is this cannibalism??), so what i'm trying to get at is, this is a FAT PIZZA, like not ordinary fat, this was obese. The inside of the pizza was not cooked, the dough was raw, the onions were raw, it was a disaster.

We now entered the salad bar and things get worse, there was no 26 varieties of salad like we were promised, there were 26 ingredients from which you can make your salad. The only nice thing about the dining experience was the "Brownie with Ice cream" which we got after our meal.

Food: 1.5/5
Ambiance: 3/5
Hospitality: 3/5
Overall: 2.5

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